Boom Strafblad


What makes a sex crime?

A fair label for image-based sexual abuse

Trefwoorden Image-based sexual abuse, Revenge porn, Wraakporno, Fair labelling, Sexual autonomy
Auteurs M.L.R. (Marthe) Goudsmit LL.M. M.A

M.L.R. (Marthe) Goudsmit LL.M. M.A
Marthe Goudsmit is PhD candidate at the University of Oxford.
  • Samenvatting

      This article considers why image-based sexual abuse (‘ibsa’) should be classified as a sexual offence. The article briefly considers harmfulness, and then moves to discuss the principle of fair labelling. Classification of offences should be informed by the wrongdoing they address. A conceptual analysis of sexual offences shows that sexual wrongs warrant labelling as sexual offences. The infringement of the right to sexual autonomy in ibsa means the nature of the wrong is sexual. Ibsa should be a sex crime.

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