European Employment Law Cases

Case Reports

2020/34 Challenge to validity of Workplace Relations Act 2015 unsuccessful (IR)

Trefwoorden Unfair Dismissal, Fair Trial, Miscellaneous
Auteurs Orla O’Leary

Orla O’Leary
Orla O’Leary is a Senior Associate at Mason Hayes & Curran.
  • Samenvatting

      A recent challenge to the constitutionality of the Irish Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) has failed. The applicant in the case at hand argued that the WRC was unconstitutional for two reasons: (a) that the WRC carries out the administration of justice in breach of the general constitutional rule that only the courts may administer justice; and (b) several of the statutory procedures of the WRC were so deficient that they failed to vindicate the applicant’s personal constitutional rights. The High Court of Ireland dismissed both arguments.

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