European Employment Law Cases

Case Reports

2020/37 Can the exception clause of Article 8 Rome I save a Turkish airline company from the application of Dutch dismissal law in a dispute with an Amsterdam home-based co-pilot? (NL)

Trefwoorden Private International Law, Applicable Law
Auteurs Amber Zwanenburg en Jan-Pieter Vos

Amber Zwanenburg
Amber Zwanenburg is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam and member of the editorial board of EELC.

Jan-Pieter Vos
Jan-Pieter Vos is a teacher and PhD candidate at Erasmus University Rotterdam, and member of the editorial board of EELC.
  • Samenvatting

      The central question in this case was what was the objectively applicable law to an employment contract concluded between a Turkish airline and a Dutch co-pilot, in accordance with Article 8 Rome I. The ruling is particularly interesting for the relation between the habitual place of work and the exception clause and points to the elements that should be taken into account.

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