Justitiële verkenningen


Burgers in bezwaar en beroep

Over de toegankelijkheid van het bestuursrecht

Trefwoorden administrative law, appeal procedures, discretionary power, informality, conflict solving
Auteurs A.T. Marseille

A.T. Marseille
Prof. mr. dr. Bert Marseille is als bijzonder hoogleraar empirische bestudering van het bestuursrecht verbonden aan de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit Tilburg. Daarnaast is hij werkzaam bij de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
  • Samenvatting

      This article contains an analysis of changes in the access to justice in administrative law disputes in the Netherlands. In analysing these changes, it is necessary to look not only at court procedures, but also at the objection procedure that precedes them. A large majority of administrative law disputes are resolved in such an informal objection procedure. The analysis shows that, more than the legislator and the administrative courts, administrative authorities are responsible for changes concerning (the interpretation and execution of the rules on) access to justice. They increasingly use their discretionary powers in the objection procedure to try to solve conflicts about their decisions by interpreting and using the rules of access in a flexible way.

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