Justitiële verkenningen


Het stelsel van gesubsidieerde rechtsbijstand in roerige tijden

Trefwoorden legal aid, certificate, Legal Services Counters, Roadmap to Justice, cutbacks
Auteurs S.L. Peters en L. Combrink-Kuiters

S.L. Peters
Mr. Susanne Peters is verbonden aan de Raad voor Rechtsbijstand.

L. Combrink-Kuiters
Mr. Lia Combrink-Kuiters is verbonden aan de Raad voor Rechtsbijstand.
  • Samenvatting

      For years it has been stated that the Dutch legal aid system is balanced and performs well. Supply and demand seem to be matched and the quality of the system is judged as good. Serious problems seem to be lacking, although there is a constant increase in the number of certificates issued. The most important threat to the system are the ever shrinking government budgets together with the increasing use of the system. To date, the Dutch legal aid system has utilised open-end-financing. The Ministry of Security and Justice is in search of measures in order to contain the number of certificates, and thereby also the ever increasing costs. At the moment it is discussed if vital system changes are necessary. Will the system as we know still exist in the near future? Or will major changes need to be made? However, changes can also lead to improvement of the system.

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