Justitiële verkenningen


Hoe de bezwaarprocedure bij de overheid kan profiteren van inzichten uit empirisch onderzoek

Trefwoorden administrative authorities, objection procedure, conflict, dispute resolution, neutrality
Auteurs Prof. mr. dr. A.T. Marseille

Prof. mr. dr. A.T. Marseille
Prof. mr. dr. Bert Marseille is als hoogleraar bestuurskunde verbonden aan de vakgroep Staatsrecht, Bestuursrecht en Bestuurskunde van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
  • Samenvatting

      In the Netherlands, someone who disagrees with an administrative order is only allowed to seek redress with the administrative courts after he has lodged an objection with the administrative authority responsible for the order. Administrative authorities have much freedom with respect to the organization of their objection procedure. Their freedom concerns two aspects of handling objections. Firstly, they can choose between setting up an independent external advisory committee or using only their own personnel in preparing their decision. Secondly, they can choose to model their objection procedure after the procedure before the administrative courts or to opt for a more consensual, as opposed to a more conflictual, style of dispute resolution. This article focuses on the question to what extent results of recent research can help administrative authorities in making a choice between these options. While the available research does not provide specific and finite answers as to which way the procedure should be organized, it does show that it is important that the procedure is characterized by information, consultation and neutrality.

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