Justitiële verkenningen


Het signaleren en registreren van LVB in het justitiële domein: stof tot nadenken

Trefwoorden mild intellectual disabilities, criminal justice system, Recognition, Registration, Prevalence
Auteurs Dr. H.L. Kaal en Mr. B.J. de Jong

Dr. H.L. Kaal
Dr. Hendrien Kaal is als lector Licht Verstandelijke Beperking en Jeugdcriminaliteit verbonden aan de Hogeschool Leiden en het Expertisecentrum William Schrikker.

Mr. B.J. de Jong
Mr. drs. Bart de Jong is adviseur en onderzoeker bij Bureau Integriteit (BING), onderzoeks- en adviesbureau op het gebied van integriteit en ongewenste omgangsvormen.
  • Samenvatting

      A recent study on the registration of mild intellectual disabilities (MID) in the judicial domain raised various questions regarding the possibilities for and desirability of recognition and registration of MID in the criminal justice system (CJS). There is general unanimity on the necessity to recognize MID. Identifying a MID, however, is not without its pitfalls. That said, not everywhere within the CJS is the same level of exactitude in recognizing MID needed. Sometimes, screening for a MID will suffice. When a (probable) MID has been identified, choices about the desirability of registration have to be made. This raises issues regarding trust, privacy, professional freedom, and the measure of control granted to the delinquent. This article discusses some of the questions raised, not with the aim of solving them, but in order to stimulate the discussion necessary to achieve an aligned criminal justice system.

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