
Het leefklimaat in Nederlandse penitentiaire inrichtingen: de Life In Custody–studie

Trefwoorden Quality of prison life, Imprisonment, Prison Climate Questionnaire, LIC-study
Auteurs Dr. Hanneke Palmen, Dr. Anouk Bosma en Dr. Esther van Ginneken

Dr. Hanneke Palmen
Dr. Hanneke Palmen is universitair docent Criminologie.

Dr. Anouk Bosma
Dr. Anouk Bosma is universitair docent Criminologie.

Dr. Esther van Ginneken
Dr. Esther van Ginneken is universitair docent Criminologie.
  • Samenvatting

      The Life In Custody-study is a large scale, prospective panel study, aimed to examine the quality of prison life in The Netherlands. This paper describes the LIC-study by giving a detailed overview of the data collection procedure, and strategies to optimize response, and presents the first nationwide results on prison climate in The Netherlands. Results show that the data collection procedures utilized were successful in obtaining a high response rate (which was an exceptional 81%) and reaching a representative group of prisoners. Furthermore, results show that the perceptions of prison climate vary across prison regimes, and to a lesser extent across age groups and time spent in detention.

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