
Recht der Werkelijkheid

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Aflevering 1, 2015 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Van Antwerpen naar Amsterdam, van bespiegeling naar bezetting

Auteurs Tobias Arnoldussen

Tobias Arnoldussen

In Memoriam Els Baerends

Auteurs John Griffiths

John Griffiths
John Griffiths is oud-hoogleraar rechtssociologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Naast onderzoek naar de totstandkoming van bezoekregelingen na echtscheiding, de verdeling van rechtshulp, het functioneren van de bezwaarschriftenprocedure in het bestuursrecht, de rol van het recht bij de bescherming van het tropisch bos, en de werking van het euthanasie-recht, heeft hij zich vooral toegelegd op enkele theoretische vraagstukken: het ontstaan en de levensloop van geschillen, rechtspluralisme, en de sociale werking van (rechts)regels. Momenteel werkt hij aan een soort theoretisch credo met als titel ‘What is sociology of law?’, waarin onderwerpen zoals wat is een feit?, wat is theorie?, wat is ‘recht’? en wat is sociologie? systematisch worden behandeld.

Opting-in in de relaxbranche, een legitieme oplossing?

Trefwoorden prostitution, lifting of the ban on brothels, opting-in, labour rights, deliberative governance, legitimacy
Auteurs Elise Ketelaars

    In 2000 the Netherlands has lifted the ban on brothels. By legalizing sex work the Dutch government aimed to increase the opportunities to regulate this sector and to improve the social position of sex workers. This article examines to what extent the application of a particular fiscal regulation known as ‘opting-in’ to certain branches of the Dutch prostitution industry is legitimate from a socio legal perspective. It takes into account both the efficacy of the regulation with an eye on achieving the goals which were formulated in 2000 and the experiences of sex workers with this fiscal construction. Aubert’s theory regarding the influence of social factors on the observance of regulations is used to explain the discrepancy between the high degree of acceptance of the regulation amongst sex workers and the limited effectiveness with regard to the improvement of their labour rights.

Elise Ketelaars
Elise Ketelaars is een masterstudent Legal Research aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Haar onderzoek richt zich op mensenrechten en gender.

Sociology of law in European civil law countries

Some remarks and correspondent proposals

Trefwoorden socio-legal studies, high theory, research, achievements and gaps
Auteurs Vincenzo Ferrari

    In continental Europe, post-war sociology of law passed through diverse phases, swinging between grand theorizing and empirical research. In the last two decades, socio-legal studies have shown a more balanced approach with respect to these models. Neo-functionalism à-la Luhmann still takes the lead in high theory, although some more eclectic voices make themselves heard and some signs of renaissance of conflict theories have become visible again. Through an overview of the recent editorial policy of three influential journals in France, Germany and Italy, the author highlights that middle range socio-legal theory has successfully dealt with some relevant aspects of legal change of the last decades, in such fields as criminal justice, migrations, or family law. Yet, it has left aside other and no less important aspects, such as commerce and property laws, common goods, environment, and other crucial questions of our times. Thus, there is a risk for sociology of law not to perform its critical and pioneering task that belongs to its own tradition.

Vincenzo Ferrari
Vincenzo Ferrari is emeritus professor of philosophy and sociology of law. He has taught in the Universities of Cagliari, Bologna and Milan, and has been a visiting professor in diverse world’s academic institutions. He chaired the ISA Research Committee on Sociology of Law and was among the founders of the IISL, Oñati.

Developments in socio-legal studies: subjects and methodologies – the Anglo-Saxon model

Trefwoorden socio-legal, neo-liberal, legal aid
Auteurs Hilary Sommerlad

    In the course of it short existence, Socio-legal studies (SLS) in the Anglo-Saxon world has burgeoned into a rich and variegated field. Reviewing it is therefore a challenging task. I begin with some general reflections and an outline of recent developments. Although these indicate an extremely vibrant field, concerns have been expressed for the future. In my discussion of these, I argue that our analysis of SLS needs to be historicised since the emergence of SLS is connected to processes of social modernization and democratization. The erosion of these processes by neo-liberal discourses and policies is the background to a discussion of my own research into the impact of the cuts to civil legal aid in England and Wales. This leads me to conclude that the fundamental dissonance between neo-liberal rationality and social science may portend a difficult future, in particular for empirical work; however, I note too that other developments such as the ongoing juridification of society and new social media may make continued SL engagement irresistible.

Hilary Sommerlad
Hilary Sommerlad is professor of Law and Research Director of the Centre for Professional Legal Education and Research, University of Birmingham, and Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. Dr. Sommerlad’s research interests are access to justice, the cultural practices of the professional workplace and diversity. She is Articles Editor of Legal Ethics, and serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Law and Society and the International Journal of the Legal Profession.

Sociology of law in search of a distinct identity

Trefwoorden sociology of law, legal sociology, socio-legal studies, interdisciplinary study of law, law & society
Auteurs Koen Van Aeken

    Rechtssociologie en recht-en-samenlevingstudies hebben behoefte aan de ontwikkeling van een eigen identiteit, die hen onder meer onderscheidt van het groeiende juridisch onderzoek waarbij empirische methoden gehanteerd worden. Deze identiteit kent vijf verbindende elementen: excellente (primaire of secundaire) empirische methodologie, kritisch, nuttig, blijvend geïnformeerd door theorie uit een inclusieve sociologie, en afwijzend tegenover reductionistische benaderingen van de werkelijkheid. Als een van deze eigenschappen ontbreekt, is er geen sprake van volwaardige rechtssociologie. Als alle eigenschappen aanwezig zijn, is de rechtssociologie bijzonder goed uitgerust om de actuele veranderingen in recht en samenleving te bestuderen. In die context kan de ontwikkeling en verspreiding van een eigen identiteit, die de vijf eigenschappen incorporeert, kansen bieden om de rechtssociologie een meer centrale positie toe te kennen in de rechtenfaculteiten.

Koen Van Aeken
Koen Van Aeken studeerde politieke en sociale wetenschappen en methodologie en promoveerde op een rechtssociologisch proefschrift over wetsevaluatie aan de Universiteit Antwerpen. Sinds 2006 is hij verbonden aan Tilburg Law School. Zijn onderwijs en onderzoek situeren zich op het terrein van de interdisciplinaire benadering van het recht, met bijzondere aandacht voor reguleringsvraagstukken.

Cracks in the mirror

Does European law and society research still reflect European society?

Trefwoorden Europe, socio-legal studies, legal culture, methodology
Auteurs Marc Hertogh

    What’s the significance of sociology of law in Europe? Before we can answer this question, it’s even more important to consider the reverse question: what’s the significance of Europe in sociology of law? European sociology of law has been very productive, but it has also become increasingly out of touch. Unlike the early years of the discipline, contemporary European law and society research is no longer a mirror of European society. There are three main reasons for this development. First, there’s a strong pull of the policy audience. Second, some of the most important studies in European sociology of law borrow their theories and concepts from previous work in the United States. And finally, most researchers are concerned with studying law and society in their own country, but only very few studies look at law and society from a transnational perspective. To fix these cracks in the mirror, we need more ‘Europe’ in European sociology of law. Similar to the work of the founding fathers of the discipline, sociology of law should once again become a reflection of society. Not for reasons of nostalgia, but because this will secure the future of European law and society research.

Marc Hertogh
Marc Hertogh is Professor of Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Law in Context (Cambridge University Press) and he is a member the Advisory Board of Recht der Werkelijkheid. His research focuses on public opinion about law, with a special interest in legal consciousness, legal pluralism, and administrative justice. His publications include: Recht van onderop [Law from below] (with Heleen Weyers) (Ars Aequi, 2011), Living Law: Reconsidering Eugen Ehrlich (Hart Publishing, 2008), Judicial Review and Bureaucratic Impact (with Simon Halliday) (CUP, 2004).

Legalism and the Anthropology of Law

Trefwoorden anthropology, legalism, text, history
Auteurs Fernanda Pirie

Fernanda Pirie
Fernanda Pirie is Associate Professor of Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford. She is author of The Anthropology of Law (OUP, 2013) and Peace and Conflict in Ladakh (Brill 2007). She has co-edited volumes with Keebet von Benda-Beckmann (on order and disorder), with Toni Huber (on social order in Tibet), with Martijn van Beek (on modern Ladakh), and with Judith Scheele (on legalism, justice, and community).

Law is again

Trefwoorden legal anthropology, legal pluralism, anthropology of law
Auteurs Barbara Oomen

Barbara Oomen
Barbara Oomen holds a chair in the Sociology of Human Rights at Utrecht University and is the Dean of University College Roosevelt, one of the first Liberal Arts and Sciences Colleges in the Netherlands. She previously held an endowed chair in Legal Pluralism at the University of Amsterdam. Her most recent book is Rights for Others: the slow home-coming of human rights in the Netherlands (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014).

Discretie en feitenvaststelling in asielprocedures

Trefwoorden discretion, asylum procedure, uncertainty, fact-finding
Auteurs Ralph Severijns

Ralph Severijns
Ralph Severijns studeerde internationaal en Europees publiekrecht in Tilburg. Sinds 2012 is hij als promovendus verbonden aan het Centrum voor Migratierecht van de Radboud Universiteit. Daarnaast werkt hij als senior adviseur voor de Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken.

Gijs van Dijck
Gijs van Dijck is een empirisch-juridisch onderzoeker aan de Universiteit van Tilburg en gespecialiseerd in aansprakelijkheidsrecht, faillissementsrecht en onderzoeksmethodologie, waaronder empirisch-juridisch onderzoek. Onderzoeksthema’s zijn andersoortige remedies in het aansprakelijkheidsrecht dan financiële remedies, de rol van excuses, de gevolgen van aansprakelijkheid voor gedrag, massaschade, beloningssystemen in faillissement, ‘tegendenken’ in juridisch onderzoek en hoe empirisch-juridisch onderzoek de juridische onderzoeksmethodologie kan verbeteren.