Recht der Werkelijkheid


Water bij de wijn: alcohol, legitieme autoriteit en lokale opvattingen over de staat in ruraal Oeganda

Trefwoorden Alcohol, law, clan councils, the state, Uganda
Auteurs Danse Anna Maria de Bondt

Danse Anna Maria de Bondt
Danse de Bondt is antropologe en promovenda bij de afdeling ‘Public Law and Governance’ aan de Universiteit van Tilburg en bij het ‘Centre of African Studies’ aan de Universiteit van Edinburgh (UK). Haar werk richt zich op percepties van recht, regulering en de staat in Afrika en hoe dit zich vertaalt naar de alledaagse praktijk.
  • Samenvatting

      Those people in charge of rule creation, implementation or dispute settlement are often imagined to work with – or relate in some way to – the state. The state is often imagined to encompass full authority on law and governance over the people living in a specific space-time dimension. However, in everyday life, practices that intrinsically connect to the creation of ‘the state’ are not necessarily connected to those actors or institutions representing it, nor do they necessarily help to create or maintain the state’s positive image. In this dissertation I ethnographically study the everyday practices of law and governance in rural Uganda by using a relational approach. I follow lower-level government servants, police officers and clan councils in their work and show how colloquial conceptions of tradition, modernity and (un)officialdom blur what constituted the state, (state-)law and legitimate authority. I use alcohol as a lens through which to study these governance practices as its ambiguous status in decision-making practices of clans opens up a window through which discussions on legitimate authority, governance and the state can be explored.

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