Recht der Werkelijkheid


Integration Versus Intrusion: Dutch Efforts to Maintain Public Order When Providing Housing to Returning Ex-Offenders

Trefwoorden Reintegration, Ex-Offenders, Public Order, Housing, Cross-agency collaboration
Auteurs Stefan van Tongeren

Stefan van Tongeren
Stefan van Tongeren is promotieonderzoeker aan de vakgroep Algemene Rechtswetenschap, Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Mijn promotieonderzoek Ex-Offenders’ Search for Housing: Closed Doors and Windows of Opportunity tracht een evenwicht te vinden tussen enerzijds het recht op huisvesting van ex-gedetineerden en anderzijds het recht op een veilige leefomgeving en ongestoord woongenot van anderen.
  • Samenvatting

      After being released from prison, ex-offenders face many challenges they have to overcome to successfully reintegrate into society. Finding adequate housing remains a particularly important yet problematic aspect of this reintegration process. Whereas a stable living situation greatly reduces ex-offenders’ risk of reoffending, their return to the (local) community may have a significant impact on the peace and quiet in the neighbourhood, potentially resulting in social unrest and threatening the public order in the area. To study this phenomenon of social unrest and to research how local authorities in the Netherlands and their partner organisations work together to prevent or respond to such unrest, both quantitative and qualitative data was collected and analysed. It was found that the return of an ex-offender relatively seldom leads to immediate threats to the public order and that local authorities prefer more informal, less repressive measures to respond to such threats. Relying on cross-agency collaboration theory, this study also reviewed how partner organisations involved with ex-offenders’ social reintegration work together. Based on this analysis, it is recommended to (further) enhance their collaboration by investing more time and resources, improving information sharing and establishing a national network of Care and Safety Houses.

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