Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid


Homofobe en transfobe haatuitingen onder het IVBPR en EVRM

Ontwikkelingen en reflecties

Trefwoorden homofobe haatuitingen, lhbtiq-rechten, transfobe haatuitingen, vrijheid van meningsuiting, IVBPR en EVRM
Auteurs Jeroen Temperman

Jeroen Temperman
Prof. J.D. Temperman is hoogleraar International Recht & Religie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en lid van het OSCE Panel of Experts on Freedom of Religion or Belief.
  • Samenvatting

      This article investigates if and in what manner international human rights treaties provide a mandate for state parties to combat hateful homophobic and transphobic speech. It is concluded that under the ICCPR, the path to inclusive readings of its incitement provision is principally paved by state parties. The UN Human Rights Committee welcomes states’ going beyond the codified (Art. 20) prohibition grounds of ‘national, racial or religious hatred’, thus including such grounds as sexual orientation and gender identity. Within the regional context of the ECHR, it is the European Court of Human Rights that functions as a catalyst. In recent jurisprudence, the latter court has developed a positive duty to investigate instances of hateful homophobic speech. Under both regimes a similarly steadfast approach to combating transphobic speech cannot yet be detected.

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