Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid


Feitenonderzoek en bewijs in het protestants kerkelijk tuchtrecht

Trefwoorden tuchtrecht, protestants kerkelijk tuchtrecht, feitenonderzoek, rechtsvergelijking kerkrecht, bewijsrecht
Auteurs Auke Dijkstra

Auke Dijkstra
Mr. drs. A. Dijkstra is promovendus Kerkrecht aan de Theologische Universiteit Kampen | Utrecht en advocaat bij Watermill Tax & Legal in Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      In various areas of law, attention to the law of evidence has increased significantly in recent decades. The same goes for the disciplinary law of various professions, such as that of lawyers and medics. It is noteworthy that Protestant church law pays limited attention to facts and evidence.
      The purpose of this article is to clarify the regulation of fact-finding and evidence in Protestant church law and its theological backgrounds and to identify the points on which improvement of this regulation is desirable. The central question of this article is: ‘How is the regulation of evidence broadly regulated in Protestant church disciplinary law, and on which issues is further reflection needed in light of comparative law?’

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