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Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement

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Aflevering 4, 2014 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

ADR als community building instrument

Auteurs Stefaan Voet

Stefaan Voet
Stefaan Voet is doctor-assistent aan de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid aan de Universiteit Gent en advocaat bij de balie Brugge.

Ruim baan voor co-mediation

Trefwoorden co-mediation, peer review, supervision, methods of co-mediation
Auteurs Drs. Lisette van der Lans en Drs. Anneke van Teijlingen

    How to make co-mediation to a success. About managing expectations, securing confidentiality and clarifying the role of the mediator and co-mediator to everybody involved. Many very good examples of co-mediation can be found in neighbourhood mediation, cross border mediation in child obduction cases, mediation in local government and in a normal, general mediation office.
    Reasons to choose for co-mediation are:

    • four eyes see more than two;

    • you can give each other feedback;

    • a starting mediator can gain experience without any risk for the client;

    • when emotions get high, parties can be split up.

    Reasons not to choose for co-mediation are:
    • lower revenues for the mediator;

    • problems with planning.

Drs. Lisette van der Lans
Drs. Lisette van der Lans is MfN-registermediator.

Drs. Anneke van Teijlingen
Drs. Anneke van Teijlingen is MfN-registermediator.

Development and Practice of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Kenya

Trefwoorden ADR, development, practice, Kenya
Auteurs Francis Kariuki en Linet Muthoni

    ADR in Kenya is traceable to the pre-colonial era. Before colonial rule, African communities applied traditional justice systems in the resolution of disputes. Some of these traditional justice systems are what are formally called ADR. It is through the imposition of formal justice systems by the British that certain ADR mechanisms were recognised in Kenya. In recent times, ADR is one of the commonly used avenues in accessing justice in Kenya. ADR in Kenya is growing at an unprecedented rate courtesy of its recognition in law, inaccessibility of courts and tribunals, backlog of cases and increased commercial activities requiring the use of ADR processes. Consequently, there are efforts by government and the private sector aimed at promoting ADR in Kenya. These efforts suggest that the future of ADR in Kenya is promising. In this article, the authors discuss the growth, development and practice of ADR in Kenya highlighting some of the likely challenges and opportunities in its use.

Francis Kariuki
Francis Kariuki is a Lecturer at Strathmore University Law School.

Linet Muthoni
Linet Muthoni is the Executive Officer of the Strathmore Dispute Resolution Centre.

A Silent And In-Depth Transformation Of Civil Society In Colombia Through ADR

Trefwoorden Dispute resolution, Arbitration, Mediation, Colombia
Auteurs Rafael Bernal Gutiérrez

    Colombia has been a territory with some social and political difficulties which have affected several dynamics of the community as well as the legal security in almost all levels of the Colombian society. The alternative dispute resolution mechanisms arise as a response for all the gaps that such circumstances produce in the country and as useful tools to solve numerous disputes in different fields. The Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá, through its Arbitration and Conciliation Center founded in 1983, is making a permanent bet to support the Colombian citizens’ coexistence in the schools, in the neighbourhoods, in the companies that provide jobs as well as benefits to the city and to the whole country. Clever strategies have been developed through the years with three purposes: change the culture about the alternative dispute resolution methods, provide confidence in using them and change the way the people manage their conflicts.

Rafael Bernal Gutiérrez
Rafael Bernal Gutiérrez is director of the Arbitration and Conciliation Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá. His expertise in ADR counts more than 30 years. He has participated in the construction of legal frameworks for ADR in different countries all across Latin America. He is lecturer in ADR topics in Colombia and as well internationally.

Een onderzoek naar reflexiviteit bij conflictmanagement

Trefwoorden Conflictmanagement, reflexivity, strategy, dispute resolution clauses
Auteurs Luc Demeyere

    Managing commercial conflicts requires reflexivity: the description of the conflict influences the manner in which the conflict is handled, and changing this description may influence this approach and the desirable outcome. The Belgian law firm contrast was curious to find out more of different parameters influencing the manner in which a conflict is handled. It developed an in-dept questionnaire and submitted it to 40 participants. The findings of this research are commented.

Luc Demeyere
Luc Demeyere is advocaat aan de Balie te Antwerpen, werkzaam bij Contrast, erkend bemiddelaar en redacteur van TMD.

Burgemeester en mediation

Meningen over de toekomst van mediation als instrument voor behoorlijk bestuur

Trefwoorden public administration, mediation, mayor, organizational development
Auteurs Ad Kil en Tanja de Jonge

    In recent years in The Netherlands around 120 mayors were trained as mediator. Focus of this multi method research was to collect the view of those mayors on – the future of - mediation as a tool in local public administration. More specific in conflicts with citizens, industry and other shareholders. Response rates on online survey was below standards but yield some descriptive aspects of this mayor group. Focus groups were informative. Mediation in local public administration is an accepted and successful phenomenon fact and will be further incorporated. Those mayors were pioneers and innovators but want to pass this method to organizational levels. One plead for incorporating principles and practice of mediation in all administrative processes and protocols.

Ad Kil
Ad Kil is emeritus hoogleraar Research Didactiek aan de Nyenrode Business Universiteit.

Tanja de Jonge
Tanja de Jonge is registeraccountant en auditor, research fellow aan de Nyenrode Business Universiteit en fractievoorzitter in de gemeenteraad van Barendrecht.

Bemiddeling in de rechtbank van koophandel Gent

Trefwoorden Commercial court of Ghent, 5th chamber, case practice, active role of the judge
Auteurs Maria Bruggeman

    In the Commercial Court of Ghent a 5th chamber has been created in each division, with the view to proposing an alternative dispute resolution method, such as a conciliation in front of and with the assistance of the judge or a referral to an external meditation.
    The author points out that files can be directed to this chamber not only at the time of introduction of the court case but also at the time the procedural calendar is set after the respondent has filed the first written submission. Even after the pleadings and after an interlocutory judgment has been rendered, the 5th chamber of the Commercial Court can still refer the matter to an external mediation.
    All cases in the field of construction, internal companies disputes and commercial agency can also be automatically referred to this chamber.
    The author believes that is it not the task of a judge to act as a mediator because judges are trained to decide themselves about disputes and because they do not have enough time for a mediation. However, the creation of the 5th chamber could give a boost to external mediation knowing that 75% of the attempted mediations end successfully with a settlement.

Maria Bruggeman
Maria Bruggeman (1964) was 17 jaar lang advocaat, gespecialiseerd in administratief recht, met name in milieu- en stedenbouwwetgeving. Zo’n tien jaar geleden werd zij rechter, eerst in de rechtbanken van koophandel van Ieper en Veurne, daarna in de rechtbank van koophandel Oudenaarde, waar ze ook voorzitter werd. Onder haar impuls verbroederde de rechtbank van koophandel Oudenaarde met de rechtbanken van Rotterdam en Reims. Een soortgelijk project met Dublin wordt voorbereid. In het kader van de gerechtelijke hervorming schreef zij een vooruitstrevend beleidsplan, waarbij onder meer werd voorzien in gespecialiseerde kamers, rondreizende rechters en bemiddeling specifiek in kortgedingprocedures en ambtshalve opgelegd in het conclusieagenda. Ze gaf ook voordrachten over de responsabilisering van de cijferberoepers in het kader van de nieuwe WCO-wetgeving. Ze schreef artikels o.a. over het ‘New public management: meer dan de macht der statistieken’ (In Foro, 03, 2013). Sinds augustus 2014 is ze voorzitter van het project bemiddeling en geeft voordrachten over haar eigen praktijkervaringen met bemiddeling, o.a. op de studiedag balies Gent-Rijsel, samenwerking van bemiddelaars Caren genaamd en het Event Bemiddeling, organisatie van de Federale Bemiddelingscommissie, in samenwerking met o.a. het VOBA en het VOKA. Mevrouw Bruggeman is lid van Gemme International en publiceert er regelmatig haar bevindingen.

‘We’d better take a lawyer for that!’

On what companies expect of their external lawyers in conflict management

Auteurs Dr. Jo B. Aschenbrenner, LL.M.

Dr. Jo B. Aschenbrenner, LL.M.
Dr. Jo B. Aschenbrenner, LL.M. is mediator and lawyer in Hamburg, vice director at the Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession ( and Of Counsel at Hanefeld Rechtsanwälte (

Thabiso van den Bosch
Thabiso van den Bosch is advocaat bij Conway & Partners in Rotterdam en is lid van de redactie van TMD.