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Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement

Meer op het gebied van Mediation en herstelrecht

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Aflevering 2, 2017 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Eric Lancksweerdt
Eric Lancsweerdt is hoofddocent aan de Universiteit Hasselt en lid van de redactie van TMD.

Het intern beroep tegen studievoortgangsbeslissingen in het Vlaamse hoger onderwijs anno 2017

Trefwoorden Intern beroep, Studievoortgangsbeslissing, Vlaams hoger onderwijs, Remediëren
Auteurs Lien Mampaey

    Since 2004 all students in Flemish universities and university colleges have the right to file an internal appeal within their institution against a negative study progress decision. This contribution gives an overview on what the current legal framework of such an internal appeals procedure looks like and aims to discuss some focal points (the composition of the committee, the hearing of a student, formal aspects when filing the appeal, …) when developing such a procedure.

Lien Mampaey
Lien Mampaey is stafmedewerker juridische zaken met betrekking tot onderwijs, bij de Dienst Onderwijs van de Universiteit Hasselt.

Klachtrecht in de care-sector: miniproces of goed gesprek?

Trefwoorden Klachtrecht, Langdurige zorg, Wkkgz, Jeugdwet
Auteurs Simona Tiems

    Care providers establish often long term relationships with their clients. It is of paramount importance that the threshold for a complaint or dispute resolution is preferably low. Ideally this is not a ‘mini-trial’ in which care provider and client are opposed against each other, but a constructive dialogue at a round table guided by a skillful complaints officer. This is what has been introduced by the Healthcare Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (the Wkkgz).
    The new complaint system introduced with the Wkkgz applies to care covered by the Chronic Care Act (WLZ), the Healthcare Insurance Act (ZVW) and optionally can also apply to care based on the Social Support Act (WMO 2015).
    In my opinion it is a missed opportunity that the legislator has not introduced a similar complaint procedure in the Youth Act, but instead has chosen the ‘mini-trial’ option here. Moreover, it is also confusing for care providers and clients to follow different complaints systems next to each other.
    Finally, in psychiatric care where decisions of care providers can interfere with the right to self-determination there is a separate complaint procedure with a role for the Family Court. For all other run-of-the mill issues also in the psychiatric care the Wkkgz complaint procedure applies.

Simona Tiems
Simona Tiems is advocaat gezondheidsrecht bij Legaltree.

Geschilbeslechtingscommissies in het bijzonder onderwijs

Commissies van beroep, onderwijsidentiteitsontslagcommissie en cao-ontslagcommissie

Trefwoorden Geschilbeslechtingscommissie, Bijzonder onderwijs, Arbeidsrecht, Commissie van beroep
Auteurs Elmira van Vliet

    This article is about the legal position (labor law) of employees in Dutch schools on a religious basis. Although the normal labor law is applicable in this situation, there are also some divergent regulations. Besides some history and background information, this article discusses some important recent developments in the involved commissions and the topics they can decide about. At last this article is about the legal status of the decisions of the commissions. Are they binding or not?

Elmira van Vliet
Elmira van Vliet is universitair docent aan de Erasmus School of Law, Rotterdam.

Eric Lancksweerdt
Eric Lancksweerdt is hoofddocent aan de Universiteit Hasselt en redactielid van TMD.