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Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Amerikaanse perspectieven over onderhandelen en bemiddelen

Inleidend: drie perspectieven van drie Amerikaanse ‘big names’

Auteurs Alain-Laurent Verbeke

Alain-Laurent Verbeke
Alain-Laurent Verbeke is gewoon hoogleraar aan de KU Leuven, Full Professor of Law & Negotiation-Mediation Leuven, Harvard, Tilburg, UCP Lisbon en advocaat, en redacteur van dit tijdschrift.
  • Samenvatting

      Hence it is always interesting to look across the ocean to enrich our thinking and practice in ADR with some fresh insights and perspectives from the USA. As an add-on to my book on Constructive conflict and dispute management (Constructief omgaan met conflicten en geschillen. Inleiding in probleemoplossend onderhandelen en bemiddelen, A.-L. Verbeke & G. Vervaeke, Boomjuridisch Antwerpen 2022, 173 p.; also published in TMD 2021 (25) 2, 14-149), I have requested three American good friends and colleagues of eminent standing in the field, to give a brief reflection on video on a topic of each one of the three chapters of the book. You can watch these interesting perspectives via the QR codes in this article.

      In the first clip, related to the first chapter on communication, Professor of Practice at Harvard Law School Sheila Heen comments on some aspects of "Difficult Conversations", the best-selling book of which she is a co-author. On the second chapter on negotiation, we focus on the complex question when to negotiate, when to fight when your opposing party feels like a demon. Professor Robert H. Mnookin, author of the best-selling book "Bargaining with the Devil", is our expert guide in the second clip. He is the Williston Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, Director of the Harvard Negotiation Research Project and Emeritus Chair of PON, the famous Program On Negotiation at Harvard Law School. We conclude with comments on the third chapter on mediation, in the third video clip presented by Professor Carrie Menkel-Meadow, who is the Distinguished and Chancellor's Professor of Law at UC Irvine and Emerita A.B. Chettle, Jr. Professor of Dispute Resolution and Civil Procedure at Georgetown University Law Center.

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