Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


The EU ODR platform – A blessing in disguise

Trefwoorden cODR, consumer Online Dispute Resolution
Auteurs Emma van Gelder en Stefaan Voet

Emma van Gelder
Dr. Emma van Gelder is universitair docent Privaatrecht, Departement Rechtsgeleerdheid bij het Molengraaff Instituut voor privaatrecht, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht.

Stefaan Voet
Prof. dr. Stefaan Voet is hoofddocent gerechtelijk recht aan de KU Leuven aan de Universiteit Leuven en gastprofessor bij de Universiteit Hasselt.
  • Samenvatting

      When individual consumers are involved in disputes with traders, they increasingly resort to consumer online dispute resolution pathways (cODR) in their search for redress. The field of cODR is quickly developing throughout Europe as an increasing number of cODR providers are entering the field and a growing number of ADR bodies are implementing digital technologies in their procedures.The development of cODR in Europe is and has been significantly influenced and facilitated by the EU legislator, driven by the aim to enhance access to justice for consumers and to strengthen consumer confidence in the internal market. In 2013, the EU legislator adopted the ADR Directive and the ODR Regulation for the purpose of harmonising the field of CDR throughout the EU. Almost a decade has passed since the EU legislative framework on consumer dispute resolution was adopted. The European legislator confirmed the revision of the ADR/ODR regulatory framework in 2023 with the aim to modernize the framework. This paper aims to evaluate the EU ODR platform, to highlight the promising potential of this platform and thereby to argue for its continuation.

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