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Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Geweld tegen politieambtenaren

Beweegredenen en rationalisering door verdachten

Trefwoorden Politie, Geweld tegen politie, Daderperspectief
Auteurs Danaé Stad en Jaap Timmer

Danaé Stad
Danaé Stad is criminoloog en onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Residentiële Jeugdzorg aan de Hogeschool Leiden.

Jaap Timmer
Jaap Timmer is politiesocioloog en universitair hoofddocent Maatschappelijke Veiligheid aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This paper tries to answer the question why defendants use violence against police officers and whether, and if so how, they construct justifications for their own behavior. The study consists of an analysis of the situational aspects of violence against police officers and the characteristics of suspects. In addition, some suspects were interviewed about the incident in which they were involved. They were asked what their perception of the situation was, and what the background of the violence was. They were also asked for their opinion on the image of the police in general, and for their knowledge and perception of the relevant laws and regulations. The conclusion is that the motives for violence against a police officer lie in their belief that all men, police officer or not, are equal and should be treated with respect. Suspects feel treated unfairly and disrespectfully by police officers. Suspects feel that in such cases they are entitled to use force. Suspects are not aware of the differences between their own rights and responsibilities in such a situation and the authority that police officers legally have to use of force in order to perform their legal tasks.

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