Crimmigratie & Recht


A closer look at the dissertation with the title: Crimmigration and the EU Return Directive: fundamental rights, criminal sanctions and the legal position of the migrant

Trefwoorden Crimmigration, Return Directive, Fundamental rights, Legal protection, Criminal sanctions
Auteurs Aniel Pahladsingh

Aniel Pahladsingh
Mr. dr. A. Pahladsingh is werkzaam als senior jurist bij het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid en rechter-plaatsvervanger bij de rechtbank Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This contribution describes the PhD with the title Crimmigration and the Return Directive in which the author has researched the merger of criminal law and immigration law, crimmigration, in relation to the EU Return Directive. Two serious bottlenecks are identified regarding the Return Directive: the fundamental rights protection for illegal third country nationals is not fully developed and criminal law safeguards and principles have a limited role.

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