Surinaams Juristenblad


The Inter-American Juridical Committee of the OAS and its Contributions to International Law

Trefwoorden Organization of American States, Inter-American Juridical Committee, codification, progressive development of international law, soft law
Auteurs Dante Mauricio Negro Alvarado

Dante Mauricio Negro Alvarado
Dante Mauricio Negro Alvarado is a lawyer graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú where he also attended postgraduate studies in International Economic Law. He has a Master’s in International Law and Human Rights from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. He is currently Director of the Department of International Law of the Organization of American States and Technical Secretary of the Inter-American Juridical Committee.
  • Samenvatting

      The Organization of American States is the oldest regional organization in the world. Although it was established in 1948, its origins date back to the First International Conference of American States held in 1889, which brought together the countries of the Americas that were independent at the time, and which subsequently built a legal regime through the adoption of international treaties, the implementation of cooperation mecha­nisms, and the creation of bodies of various types. Thus, at the Third International Conference of American States in 1906, the International Board of Jurists was created, which was later incorporated into the general structure of the OAS as the Inter-American Juridical Committee. Over its more than 100 years of existence, the Committee has continued to promote the codification and progressive development of international law, adapting to the new challenges and needs posed by the passage of time. This document presents the Committee’s achievements and will showcase the major contributions it continues to make to international law, both in the Americas and worldwide.

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