Marianna Salazar Albornoz
Marianna Salazar Albornoz LL.M. & LL.M. is an international renowned scholar who holds a law degree from the Universidad Iberoamericano in Mexico City, Mexico and a master’s degree in International Law from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva. Till 01 January 2023 she was a distinguished member of the Inter-American Juridical Committee of the Organisation of American States. Ms. Salazar Albornoz is a professor at the Universidad Iberoamericano, where she teaches among others: mass atrocity prevention, international criminal law and public international law. Ms. Salazar Albornoz lectured in several countries in Latin America and participated also in several international programs in Europe, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  • Samenvatting

      In this, with high speed developing cyber-environment, malicious cyber operations between States, are a reality, and (public) international law need to address this global challenge. International norms governing States’ cyber operations are absent. There is a growing need on the global and on the regional level for States and organizations to enter into dialogues regarding States’ cyber operations and their impacts on other States. These dialogues must take place in the framework of the United Nations, but also on the academic level in Europe and in the Americas. States in the region will have to take a position with regard to the scope of the applicability of (public) international law to cyberspace operations.

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