Caribisch Juristenblad


Industrial pollution and human rights

A case study of the Isla refinery on Curaçao

Trefwoorden human rights, environmental pollution, Isla refinery, European Court of Human Rights, safeguarding function
Auteurs Mr. L.E.J. van den Bergh

Mr. L.E.J. van den Bergh
Mr. L.E.J. van den Bergh has a master’s degree in International and European Union Law from the Erasmus School of Law. She is currently working on her second master’s degree in Commercial and Company Law in Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      The pollution by the Isla refinery on Curaçao has been a problem for many years. Curaçaoans living downwind of the refinery experience many health issues on account of its toxic emissions. These problems are well known to both the Curaçao government and the government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands – however, neither seem to have taken any real action in order to put an end to the harmful effects of the refinery’s emissions. This article explores whether there is an arguable case that the rights guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), namely Article 2 and Article 8, of the people of Curaçao most affected by Isla’s emissions are being violated.

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