Can an E101 certificate issued under Article 11(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 574/72 fixing the procedure for implementing Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community, as applicable before its repeal by Article 96(1) of Regulation (EC) No 987/2009, be annulled or disregarded by a court other than that of the sending Member State if the facts which are submitted to its scrutiny support the conclusion that the certificate was obtained or invoked fraudulently?
DOI: 10.5553/EELC/187791072016001004025
European Employment Law Cases |
ECJ Court Watch | Case C-359/16. Social securityÖmer Altun, Abubekir Altun, Sedrettin Maksutogullari, Yunus Altun, Absa NV, M. Sedat BVBA, Alnur BVBA – v – Openbaar Ministerie, reference lodged by the Belgian Hof van Cassatie on 24 June 2016 |
Trefwoorden | Social security |
DOI | 10.5553/EELC/187791072016001004025 |
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Aanbevolen citeerwijze bij dit artikel
, "Case C-359/16. Social security", European Employment Law Cases, 4, (2016):271-271
, "Case C-359/16. Social security", European Employment Law Cases, 4, (2016):271-271