European Employment Law Cases

Case Reports

2021/9 AGET Iraklis: another belated victory for the employer (GR)

Trefwoorden Information & Consultation, Collective Redundancies
Auteurs Effie Mitsopoulou

Effie Mitsopoulou
Effie Mitsopoulou is an attorney-at-law at Effie Mitsopoulou Law Office.
  • Samenvatting

      The Supreme Court of Greece has clarified that the validity of terminations is not affected by the lack of consultation with the employees’ representatives, as per Directive 2002/14/EC on a general framework for informing and consulting employees. In case of non-compliance with such obligation, alternative administrative or judicial measures can be provided by the Member States. It further reiterated that the expediency and necessity of the company’s business decision to suddenly interrupt its plant operation cannot be subject to judicial control.

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