Justitiële verkenningen


Burgernet vanuit een nodal governance-perspectief

Auteurs P. Van Calster en M.B. Schuilenburg

P. Van Calster
Dr. Patrick Van Calster is universitair hoofddocent aan het departement Strafrecht en Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden.

M.B. Schuilenburg
Mr. drs. Marc Schuilenburg doceert aan de afdeling Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      Since the last decennium, the government has stopped being the only organizer and executor of issues of safety and security. After all, as a result of developments on a social, cultural, economical and geographical level, the way of coping with problems of danger and insecurity changed. These new developments and ways of coping can not be grasped in terms of a devaluation of government competence. Instead, new ways of governance came into existence, with their own dynamics and autonomy. In this contribution, we will elaborate on the concept of ‘Burgernet’, that is a hybrid network in which civilians, the police and the municipalities come together for tackling problems of insecurity. The concept of nodal governance will turn out to be a helpful tool in the analyses.

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