Justitiële verkenningen


Zwarte kaviaar

Over criminele netwerken, illegale handel en de bedreiging van de steur

Trefwoorden black caviar, Caspian Sea, sturgeon population, illegal fishing, illegal trading
Auteurs D. Siegel en D. van Uhm

D. Siegel
Prof. dr. Dina Siegel is als hoogleraar Criminologie verbonden aan het Willem Pompe Instituut van de Universiteit Utrecht.

D. van Uhm
Drs. Daan van Uhm is als promovendus en junior universitair docent werkzaam bij het Willem Pompe Instituut van de Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      The trade in caviar has a rich and colorful history, influenced over thousands of years by many cultures, societies and in the last decades by regulation. Based on qualitative research, including literature, media analysis and interviews, this article presents the first preliminary results of the authors’ ongoing research. The value of caviar is historically discovered in the context of social change, political relationships and environmental change and the role of organized crime is described, as the scarcity of caviar has offered the unique opportunity to fish illegally, smuggle and trade contraband to mainly European countries with millions in profits. Although due to overexploitation ‘wild caviar’ is increasingly difficult to obtain, the demand in the context of exclusivity and scarcity remains intact by the upper class society desire for edible gold.

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