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Justitiële verkenningen

Meer op het gebied van Criminologie en veiligheid

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Aflevering 1, 2017 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen


Auteurs Jaap de Waard, Dr. André van der Laan en Mr. drs. Marit Scheepmaker

Jaap de Waard
J. de Waard is als senior beleidsmedewerker verbonden aan het Directoraat-Generaal Rechtspleging en Rechtshandhaving van het ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie.

Dr. André van der Laan
Dr. A.M. van der Laan is als senior onderzoeker en plaatsvervangend hoofd verbonden aan de afdeling Criminaliteit, Rechtshandhaving en Sancties van het WODC.

Mr. drs. Marit Scheepmaker
Mr. drs. M.P.C. Scheepmaker is hoofdredacteur van Justitiële verkenningen.

Verdampende jeugdcriminaliteit

Verklaringen van de internationale daling

Trefwoorden youth crime, crime decline, technology, crime prevention, police registration
Auteurs Drs. A.C. Berghuis en J. de Waard

    Registered youth crime figures in the Netherlands show a spectacular downward trend from 2007 (minus 60%). In this article the authors show that this trend can be observed in a lot of other countries. They argue that a number of international developments has created a climate favorable for juvenile crime reduction: more (situational) crime prevention, less use of alcohol, more commitment to schooling, more satisfaction with living conditions, and changing activity patterns during leisure time. For the Netherlands this coincides with a diminished willingness of the Dutch police to follow up on suspicions that a youngster has committed a minor offense. The authors discuss the worldwide dissemination of smartphones and online games that started in 2006/2007, as well as the subsequent changes in the use of free time, which might have contributed to juvenile crime reduction.

Drs. A.C. Berghuis
Drs. Bert Berghuis was voorheen raadadviseur op het terrein van rechtshandhaving bij het ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie.

J. de Waard
Jaap de Waard is als senior beleidsmedewerker verbonden aan het ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie.

Ontwikkelingen in de jeugdcriminaliteit, 1997 tot 2015

Trefwoorden trends in juvenile and young adult crime, crime drop, Cybercrime, explanations for the crime drop, social media
Auteurs Dr. A.M. van der Laan, Dr. M.G.C.J. Beerthuizen en Dr. H. Goudriaan

    Since 2008 juvenile crime rates in the Netherlands annually decreased. The decrease is shown in official police and justice crime, as well as in self-reported delinquency. However, this crime drop mainly accounts traditional offline crime, whereas little is known about cybercrime amongst juveniles and young adults. According to the Juvenile Crime Monitor, approximately 20% of juveniles and young adults report involvement in cyber or digitized delinquency. Trends with regard to cyber or digitized crime are not (yet) available. Previous research indicates that multiple factors are responsible for the crime drop amongst juveniles. These explanations mainly regard to offline factors and are primarily focused on traditional offline crime. In this article the increased use of social media is also discussed as a potential explanation.

Dr. A.M. van der Laan
Dr. André van der Laan is senior onderzoeker en plaatsvervangend afdelingshoofd bij de afdeling Criminaliteit, Rechtshandhaving en Sancties van het WODC. Zie

Dr. M.G.C.J. Beerthuizen
Dr. Marinus Beerthuizen is onderzoeker bij de afdeling Criminaliteit, Rechtshandhaving en Sancties van het WODC. Zie

Dr. H. Goudriaan
Dr. Heike Goudriaan is senior onderzoeker en plaatsvervangend afdelingshoofd bij het Team Rechtsbescherming en Veiligheid van het CBS in Den Haag.

Trends in de overrepresentatie van jongens en jongemannen met een Marokkaanse achtergrond in de verdachtenstatistiek

Trefwoorden crime trend, recorded crime, Moroccans, the Netherlands, cultural dissonance
Auteurs Dr. R. Jennissen

    Similar to the total youth crime, the share of Moroccan boys and men who are suspected of committing a crime is decreasing. The percentage of suspects among male Moroccan teens and early twenties declined with as much as 35% in the period from 2005 to 2015. However, the share of 12- to 24-year-old males with a Dutch background who were suspected of committing a crime, declined even more sharply. Therefore, the overrepresentation of Moroccans increased. The increased amount of cultural dissonance among Moroccan boys and young adults seems to be the most probable explanation for the increased overrepresentation of this group in recorded crime. Cultural dissonance is where migrants have to steer a middle course between two highly contrasting cultures, namely the culture of their country of origin (of their parents) and that of the country in which they are residing.

Dr. R. Jennissen
Dr. Roel Jennissen is als senior wetenschappelijk medewerker verbonden aan de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid. Hij schreef dit artikel op persoonlijke titel.

Social media en smartphones als verklaring voor de daling in jeugdcriminaliteit?

Trefwoorden juvenile crime, Delinquency, social media, Smartphones, time use
Auteurs Prof. dr. F. Weerman

    This contribution explores the hypothesis that the rise of social media use and smartphone possession since 2007 contributed substantially to the international decrease in juvenile crime. The author addresses three processes that aid in understanding how social media and smartphones may have contributed to decreasing juvenile crime statistics. First, activity patterns of young people may have been altered in such a way that substantial less time is spent with unstructured socializing in public places. Second, the rise of social media may have led to additional and alternative possibilities to fulfill psychological and social needs of adolescents, taking away many immaterial motivations for juvenile crime. Third, it is possible that social media and smartphone use have facilitated a shift from offline to online juvenile crime, which is less detected and visible in official crime figures. While these theoretical arguments make the hypothesis plausible, research is needed to provide empirical evidence on the role of social media and smartphones in juvenile crime.

Prof. dr. F. Weerman
Prof. dr. Frank Weerman is bijzonder hoogleraar Jeugdcriminologie binnen de sectie Criminologie van de Erasmus School of Law in Rotterdam. Hij is tevens senior onderzoeker bij het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving te Amsterdam.

Alcoholgebruik bij jongeren in Nederland

Van zuipschuit van Europa tot het braafste kind van de klas

Trefwoorden Adolescents, Alcohol, the Netherlands, sociocultural norms, peer context
Auteurs Dr. M. De Looze en Dr. I. Koning

    Alcohol use and adolescents: they are inevitably connected. At least, this was the case up until the early 2000s in the Netherlands. After a peak in the prevalence of alcohol use in 2003, the percentage of adolescents in the Netherlands who drank alcohol decreased enormously. This decline co-occurs with a dramatic shift in sociocultural norms on adolescent alcohol use among parents. Since the peak in 2003, a variety of national and local prevention and intervention programs have been implemented, aiming to stimulate parents to adopt stricter parenting practices related to the alcohol use of their child. In other Western countries, however, similar decreases in adolescent alcohol use have been observed. On the basis of recent societal developments, the authors describe potential explanations for the observed declines. Moreover, they discuss how youngsters actively create peer contexts in which behaviors like alcohol use take place.

Dr. M. De Looze
Dr. Margreet de Looze is universitair docent bij de faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen aan de Universiteit Utrecht.

Dr. I. Koning
Dr. Ina Koning is universitair docent bij de faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen aan de Universiteit Utrecht.

Jongeren op school houden, helpt dat tegen criminaliteit?

Trefwoorden Education, Crime, startkwalificatie, incapacitation effect, natural experiment
Auteurs Dr. O. Marie en T. Paulovic MSc

    The authors discuss the effects on criminal participation of the 2007 Dutch educational reform which forced individuals between age 16 and 18 to stay in school if they had not attained startkwalificatie level. By comparing the arrest rate of individuals born just before and after the reform, the authors estimate the potential incapacitation effect of education on crime. Their results suggest that this exogenous change in education policy significantly reduced criminal participation among youths affected by the policy. The authors conclude that forcing youths most at risk of leaving school without any qualification to stay longer in education has positive immediate effects on youth crime reduction, that are beyond the potential educational benefits of such policies.

Dr. O. Marie
Dr. Olivier Marie is als associate professor verbonden aan de Erasmus School of Economics in Rotterdam en als senior onderzoeker aan het Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market van de Universiteit Maastricht.

T. Paulovic MSc
Tea Paulovic MSc is als promovenda verbonden aan de Faculteit Economie van de Universiteit Maastricht.

Lessen uit de aanpak van jeugdgroepen

Trefwoorden juvenile crime, focussed policing, youth groups, group dynamic processes, integral approach
Auteurs Dr. H. Ferwerda en Drs. T. van Ham

    Attention for youth group crime is important, because the majority of juvenile crime is committed in groups or is the result of group dynamic processes. The police makes an inventory of youth groups with the help of an instrument (called ‘the shortlist’). In the Netherlands this has contributed to an integral approach on the group, domain and individual level. Although there are some side effects, findings suggest that this approach is effective. This fact, together with other developments in juvenile crime, has led to the further development of the shortlist instrument. Its basis, i.e. applying focus and an integral analysis of a youth group as a starting point for an integral approach, is herein maintained.

Dr. H. Ferwerda
Dr. Henk Ferwerda is directeur van Bureau Beke in Arnhem.

Drs. T. van Ham
Drs. Tom van Ham is als onderzoeker verbonden aan Bureau Beke in Arnhem.

Vijf jaar Aanpak Top600: waar staan we nu?

Trefwoorden Amsterdam, Top600 criminals, high-impact crimes, integral approach, individual programs
Auteurs Mr. S. van Grinsven en Drs. A. Verwest

    More than forty organizations in security, healthcare and social services work together in the ‘Top600 Project’, aimed at those committing ‘high-impact crimes’. The goal is to improve safety in and around Amsterdam by achieving a permanent change in the behavior of these perpetrators. This includes both a reduction in recidivism of high-impact crimes and an increase in their self-reliance in order to decrease their reliance on crime. To achieve this, special case managers strive to get a clear perspective on the (often complex) lives of these Top600 persons. These managers (‘regisseurs’) can connect to all the organizations concerned and ensure that their efforts are coordinated, aligned and mutually strengthening. The project includes preventing the Top600 persons’ (younger) brothers and sisters from following their siblings on a path of crime. It works through a collective focus and a tailor-made approach for each person, by exercising control on three levels (administrative, civil, and case level), by central monitoring of the results and - from there - by resolving structural flaws in the system.

Mr. S. van Grinsven
Mr. Sanneke van Grinsven is jurist en als projectleider aanpak Top600 werkzaam bij het regionale Actiecentrum Veiligheid en Zorg, dat is ondergebracht bij de gemeente Amsterdam.

Drs. A. Verwest
Drs. Aniek Verwest is criminoloog en werkzaam bij onderzoek- en adviesbureau DSP-groep en als extern adviseur betrokken bij het Actiecentrum Veiligheid en Zorg.
