Justitiële verkenningen


Trends in de overrepresentatie van jongens en jongemannen met een Marokkaanse achtergrond in de verdachtenstatistiek

Trefwoorden crime trend, recorded crime, Moroccans, the Netherlands, cultural dissonance
Auteurs Dr. R. Jennissen

Dr. R. Jennissen
Dr. Roel Jennissen is als senior wetenschappelijk medewerker verbonden aan de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid. Hij schreef dit artikel op persoonlijke titel.
  • Samenvatting

      Similar to the total youth crime, the share of Moroccan boys and men who are suspected of committing a crime is decreasing. The percentage of suspects among male Moroccan teens and early twenties declined with as much as 35% in the period from 2005 to 2015. However, the share of 12- to 24-year-old males with a Dutch background who were suspected of committing a crime, declined even more sharply. Therefore, the overrepresentation of Moroccans increased. The increased amount of cultural dissonance among Moroccan boys and young adults seems to be the most probable explanation for the increased overrepresentation of this group in recorded crime. Cultural dissonance is where migrants have to steer a middle course between two highly contrasting cultures, namely the culture of their country of origin (of their parents) and that of the country in which they are residing.

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