Drs. Y.M.M. Schoenmakers
Drs. Yvette Schoenmakers is werkzaam als zelfstandig onderzoeker en adviseur (www.yvetteschoenmakers.nl).

S.L. Mehlbaum MSc
Shanna Mehlbaum MSc is als onderzoeker verbonden aan het Verwey-Jonker Instituut in Utrecht en daarnaast werkzaam als zelfstandig onderzoeker.
  • Samenvatting

      Synthetic drug waste dumpings are a growing concern in the Netherlands, particularly in the southern region. During the production process of ecstasy (MDMA) and speed (amphetamine), large quantities of chemical residue are released, that the illegal manufacturers need to get rid of. According to police statistics the chemical waste is mostly dumped in barrels in rural areas, and recovered as such by authorities. However, an unknown quantity of synthetic drug waste is also directly being discharged into sewer, soil or natural surface waters. The phenomenon embodies environmental crime as well as organized crime. From the viewpoint of environmental crime, both ecological and social harm are evident. The article also illustrates the operations of serious organized crime groups behind the scenes.

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