Justitiële verkenningen


De verschuiving van illegale drugsmarkten van Nederland naar België

Perceptie of realiteit?

Trefwoorden drug policy, drug markets, Displacement, the Netherlands, Belgium
Auteurs Dr. F. De Middeleer en Dr. B. De Ruyver

Dr. F. De Middeleer
Freja De Middeleer MSc. is als wetenschappelijk medewerker verbonden aan het Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP) van de Universiteit Gent.

Dr. B. De Ruyver
Dr. Brice De Ruyver is als hoogleraar Strafrecht verbonden aan de Universiteit Gent en directeur van het Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP) aldaar.
  • Samenvatting

      Recent figures indicate that certain drug markets, or at least parts of it, shift from the Netherlands to Belgium. However, it is still unclear whether it is a displacement of some parts of the illicit drug markets or whether it should be seen as a diversification of certain parts of some illicit drug markets in terms of spreading of risks and taking profit of new opportunities. In this respect, this article contributes to an ongoing research (DISMARK) by providing an overview of drug policy measures most recently taken by the Netherlands, from a Belgian point of view, and by trying to link these developments to drug-related trends in Belgium. It is clear that both countries will have to invest in a common approach of their common drug problems. However, it is not yet possible to draw any profound conclusions on the actual displacement of illicit drug markets.

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