Justitiële verkenningen


Aanzetten tot verbetering van de opsporing

‘Handelen naar Waarheid’ een jaar later

Trefwoorden national police force, police reform, change, organizational dynamics, leadership
Auteurs Dr. N. Kop en Dr. P. Klerks

Dr. N. Kop
Dr. Nicolien Kop is als lector Criminaliteitsbeheersing & Recherchekunde verbonden aan de Politieacademie.

Dr. P. Klerks
Dr. Peter Klerks is raadadviseur bij het Parket-Generaal, Openbaar Ministerie. Hij levert zijn bijdrage op persoonlijke titel.
  • Samenvatting

      The authors reflect on ‘Handelen naar waarheid’ (Acting on truth), an assessment of the state of criminal investigations in The Netherlands, which appeared in May 2016. This report, assigned by the police and public prosecution service and written by four inside experts, caused substantial turmoil in the police organization and beyond. The report addresses six domains: professionalism, attitude and behavior, direction and leadership, capacity for change, organizational structure and business management. The critical and transparent self-reflection by the police received praise from policymakers, journalists and academic observers. It also met with recognition and appreciation in the law enforcement community, in particular among investigators and prosecutors. In the wake of the report, a reform program was organized to modernize both the police and the prosecution service in order to increase the quality and effectiveness of their work. Such reform is deemed necessary because crime problems have become ever more complex and citizens increasingly organize their own (counter-)investigations. The authors conclude that in spite of many recent initiatives, truly innovative practices remain scarce. Also, the crucial ambitions to increase the educational level of investigators and the organizational culture are still far from realized.

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