Justitiële verkenningen


Zorg voor en zorgen om alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen

Trefwoorden unaccompanied minor asylum seekers, mental health problems, mental health care, resilience, guardianship
Auteurs Prof. dr. Monika Smit

Prof. dr. Monika Smit
Prof. dr. M. Smit is hoofd van de Onderzoeksafdeling Rechtsbestel, Wetgeving en Internationale en Vreemdelingenaangelegenheden van het WODC en bijzonder hoogleraar Psychosociale zorg voor alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
  • Samenvatting

      Among the asylum seekers arriving in Europe are unaccompanied minors (UMAs). As a result of the often traumatic experiences before and during their flight, many have mental health problems. The question is how they cope in the country of destination. After the flight, the plight is not over: destination countries are often not welcoming in all respects, UMAs may encounter violence in reception facilities, and experience stress related to the asylum procedure and possible family reunification, as well as worries about relatives left behind. Although UMAs are also known to be resilient, and most are supported by family members and/or significant others, there are worries about their transition to adulthood. When they turn 18, they have to deal with the developmental tasks that come with that age, as well as to come to terms with past experiences. At the same time their guardianship ends, and they are supposed to manage on their own in the relatively new country. Many UMAs seem to manage, but it would be helpful if the 18 years age limit could be used flexible when necessary.

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