Justitiële verkenningen


Van zelfdwang naar zachte macht

Civilisatie slokt emancipatie op

Trefwoorden stimulating responsibility (of detainees), the civilization theory, self-compulsion, promote and relegate, Punishment and Protection Act
Auteurs Miranda Boone

Miranda Boone
Prof. mr. dr. M.M. Boone is als hoogleraar Criminologie en Vergelijkende Penologie verbonden aan de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      In his famous dissertation Twee eeuwen gevangen (Two centuries of imprisonment), Franke explains the history of imprisonment in the Netherlands as a development from external to internal coercion, based on the civilization theory of Norbert Elias. Central question of this contribution is in how far the pursuit of responsibilization of prisoners as described by modern penologists can be conceived as a continuation of this process and what the consequences of this pursuit are. It is concluded that the forces behind these two processes differ, but that both rehabilitation strategies are modelled on a new citizenship ideal. In so far the introduction of the responsibilization strategy illustrates Franke’s main thesis, namely that developments within the penitentiaries can only be understood in their social and historical context. It is argued that responsibilization can lead to the erosion of the legal position of prisoners, while emancipation was precisely described by Franke as an achievement of the Dutch prison system.

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