Justitiële verkenningen


Broze fundamenten en alarmerende signalen

Lessen uit het ‘cellulaire drama’ voor gesloten jeugdhulp

Trefwoorden cellular prison system, solitary confinement, shortages regular youth care, judicial juvenile institution, child protection measures
Auteurs Jolande uit Beijerse

Jolande uit Beijerse
Prof. mr. J. uit Beijerse is als hoogleraar Justitiële Jeugdinterventies verbonden aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      In this contribution, a comparison is drawn between the origins of the cellular system in the 19th century and the system of closed youth care in the 21st century. The comparison then focuses on the alarming signals from closed youth care practice and how these are dealt with. The author argues that shortages in the provision of regular youth care have led to situations in which young people are unnecessarily placed in closed youth care institutions. By focusing on eliminating this deficit closed youth care can be gradually phased out and reduced to a minimum.

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