
Justitiële verkenningen

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Aflevering 4, 2022 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen


Auteurs Janine Janssen

Janine Janssen
Prof. dr. J. Janssen is bijzonder hoogleraar Rechtsantropologie aan de Open Universiteit, lector Veiligheid in afhankelijkheidsrelaties aan Avans Hogeschool en de Politieacademie, en hoofd onderzoek van het Landelijk Expertise Centrum Eer Gerelateerd Geweld van de Nationale Politie.

Access_open #MeToo en de preventie van seksuele grensoverschrijding in Nederland

Trefwoorden prevalence, risk factors, action plan, campaign
Auteurs Willy van Berlo

    As a result of #MeToo, the realization that sexual harassment, including sexual violence, is a major social problem has penetrated the Netherlands as well. Yet that awareness did not go hand in hand with a structural approach to sexual harassment, especially in terms of prevention. Prevention of sexual harassment requires a thorough approach, focused on different levels: the individual, the individual’s environment and the culture in a broad sense. This article discusses what preventive measures are needed in the Netherlands, and what led to the creation of a national action plan on sexual harassment and violence.

Willy van Berlo
Drs. W.T.M. van Berlo is programmamanager seksueel geweld bij Rutgers, expertisecentrum seksualiteit.

Uit de praktijk: de schaduwkanten van de #MeToo-beweging

Trefwoorden transgressive behavior, allegations, trial by media, false reports
Auteurs Marjan Olfers en Anton van Wijk

    The impact of the #MeToo movement appears to be mostly positive. As important as it is that attention is paid to sexually transgressive behavior – in whatever context – (the impact of) the #MeToo movement also has its dark sides. This article focuses on the question: What are the downsides of #MeToo? The authors discuss a number of issues that were encountered in their research practice. They discuss (a) uncertainty regarding the (limits of a) violation of standards, (b) misleading or false reports, (c) anonymous reports and hearsay statements and (d) ‘guilty by association’ or ‘trial by media’. It should always be clear whether it concerns facts or, for example, experiences and perceptions. The interests of the accused must not be compromised by unclear standards or neglecting a careful investigative process. The authors argue for clear research questions that support the research and allow sufficient room for both sides to be heard with as little bias as possible. For the victims, care must be taken against double victimization and victim-blaming.

Marjan Olfers
Prof. mr. M. Olfers is hoogleraar Sport en recht aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en is daarnaast gespecialiseerd in governancevraagstukken en integriteit. Zij is tevens mededirecteur en eigenaar van Verinorm, een onderzoeks- en adviesbureau op het gebied van integriteit en sociale veiligheid. Verinorm is gespecialiseerd in incidentenonderzoek, cultuur- en integriteitsonderzoek en opleiding en training.

Anton van Wijk
Dr. mr. A. van Wijk is psycholoog, jurist/criminoloog en mededirecteur en eigenaar van Verinorm. Hij heeft ruime toegepast-wetenschappelijkonderzoekservaring opgebouwd. In de afgelopen twintig jaar als onderzoeker en directeur van Bureau Beke heeft hij veelvuldig over criminaliteitsonderwerpen gepubliceerd. In 2005 is hij gepromoveerd op Juvenile sex offenders and non-sex offenders. A comparative study. Hij is opgeleid tot particulier onderzoeker.

Wat betekent #MeToo voor de behandeling en positie van plegers van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag?

Trefwoorden sexually transgressive behavior, risk-oriented treatment, social isolation, stigmatization
Auteurs Eveline Schippers, Larissa Hoogsteder en Nienke Sweers

    #MeToo makes sexually transgressive behavior come to light earlier. It is important that subsequent assessment and adjudication of the behavior is done carefully and as objectively as possible. For some sexual offenders with few risk factors, the public tap on the fingers may be enough to never again engage in repeated sexual offense behavior. However, publicity and public condemnation as a result of #MeToo can also be damaging, because they increase social isolation, loneliness and stress. As a result, offenders can recidivate with sexual offense behavior sooner, making society less safe. When a sexual offender is convicted, structured risk assessment should guide the decision if forensic treatment is desirable to reduce the risk of recidivism. This treatment should be risk-oriented: focussed on reducing risk factors that are relevant to the offending behavior. This is the best way to guarantee safety in society.

Eveline Schippers
E.E. Schippers MSc werkt als projectmanager behandelzaken bij de Waag en als onderzoeker bij de Van der Hoevenkliniek, beide onderdeel van de Forensische Zorgspecialisten. Ook is zij PhD-kandidaat bij de Universiteit Maastricht, aan de faculteit Psychology & Neuroscience, sectie Forensic Psychology.

Larissa Hoogsteder
Prof. dr. L.M. Hoogsteder is directeur behandelzaken bij de Waag, onderdeel van de Forensische Zorgspecialisten. Ook is zij bijzonder hoogleraar forensische orthopedagogische diagnostiek en behandeling bij de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Nienke Sweers
N. Sweers MSc werkt als projectmanager behandelzaken bij de Waag en inmiddels zeventien jaar bij de Forensische Zorgspecialisten.

Slachtofferschap, e-shaming en #MeToo

Een onderzoek naar de rol van e-shaming tijdens de #MeToo-periode in Nederland

Trefwoorden social media movement, mixed-method approach, offender naming and shaming, viral justice
Auteurs Chantal van den Berg en Marleen Gorissen

    In October 2017, #MeToo went viral on social media. #MeToo has been found to have positive as well as negative effects. One negative effect is the ethical problem of e-shaming. This article investigates through a mixed-method approach what the extent and perception is on e-shaming during #MeToo in the Netherlands. Results show that e-shaming is very rare and that Dutch society has little interest in the topic and will not participate in e-shaming. This implies that e-shaming in the Netherlands is still problematic on an ethical level, but the extent and consequences of e-shaming are very limited.

Chantal van den Berg
Dr. C.J.W. van den Berg is senior onderzoeker bij het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR) en universitair docent aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Marleen Gorissen
M. Gorissen MSc is PhD-student bij het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR).

#MeToo, seksuele handelingen en functionele afhankelijkheid

Trefwoorden consent model, sexual assault, guilt, intent
Auteurs Jeroen ten Voorde

    The meaning of #MeToo for the criminal justice system is diverse. One is the reconfirmation that sexual offences also take place in situations of inequality in working relationships. This raises the question how the new Dutch Sexual Offences Bill deals with abuse of power in these situations. In answering this question, this article discusses the Istanbul Convention and the proposed new crime(s) of sexual assault under Dutch law. In particular, it focusses on issues of intent and guilt, and shows that the difference between intent and guilt has become quite vague.

Jeroen ten Voorde
Prof. mr. J.M. ten Voorde is hoogleraar Straf- en strafprocesrecht aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Herkenning, erkenning en respect voor elkaars grenzen

In gesprek met Mariëtte Hamer en Janine Janssen over seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag en geweld

Trefwoorden interview, #MeToo, government commissioner, approach, sexual violence
Auteurs Manon van der Meer

    Mariëtte Hamer and Janine Janssen have a conversation about sexually transgressive behavior and violence. Both women are, as government commissioner and researcher respectively, strongly involved with this theme. Hamer and Janssen discuss how they view the #MeToo movement, what the limits are on transgressive behavior, and what should happen for tackling sexually transgressive behavior and violence and preventing these in the future. Because limits on behavior are not always crystal clear and can differ from one person to the other, it is of importance to continuously talk about them. Offenders and those accused of transgressive behavior should not be forgotten in these conversations. At the moment, much attention is given to tackling and preventing sexually transgressive behavior and violence, but many things need to happen still, and they need continuous attention, as Hamer and Janssen bring forward.

Manon van der Meer
M. van der Meer MSc is lid van de redactieraad van Justitiële verkenningen. Ze werkt als onderzoeker bij het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum (WODC), op de kennislijn Asiel en Migratie.