Maandblad voor Vermogensrecht


Bridging the past and the future: the ECtHR application of the prohibition of discrimination to distant private legal relationships

Dimici v. Turkey, ECLI:CE:ECHR:2022:­0705JUD007013316

Trefwoorden horizontale werking van verdragsrechten, verbintenissen, eigendom, stichting, fundamentele rechten
Auteurs Dr. E. Santamaria Echeverría en J. Rijkaart van Cappellen

Dr. E. Santamaria Echeverría
Dr. E. Santamaria Echeverría is Postdoctoral Researcher Law & Markets Department, Erasmus School of Law (ESL) Erasmus University Rotterdam.

J. Rijkaart van Cappellen
J. Rijkaart van Cappellen is Student Master International and European Union Law (ESL) and Master Recht en Technologie (ESL) Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This commentary discusses the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights on the case Dimici v. Turkey from the perspective of the indirect horizontal effect in private legal relationships of the prohibition of discrimination ex Article 14 of the European Convention of Human Rights.

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