
Overdag naar de eigen school en ’s nachts in detentie

Nachtdetentie als recht en niet beperkt tot de voorlopige hechtenis

Trefwoorden night detention, juvenile detention, night detention, juvenile criminal law and penitentiary law
Auteurs Mr. Jolande uit Beijerse en Mr. Ingeborg Jansen

Mr. Jolande uit Beijerse
Mr. Jolande uit Beijerse is universitair docent straf- en strafprocesrecht aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en tevens redactielid van PROCES.

Mr. Ingeborg Jansen
Mr. Ingeborg Jansen is jurist en documentairemaker.
  • Samenvatting

      Since 2003, Dutch juveniles on remand who go to school or have work can be held in ‘night detention’: they attend their school or work during the day and spend the nights and weekends in a young offender institution. The authors examine how this form of youth detention relates to basic principles in juvenile criminal law and penitentiary law. They argue that based on international standards stating that juveniles should be detained with as few restraints as possible, night detention should be made available if circumstances allow it not only for juveniles on remand, but for juveniles subject to any form of detention.

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