
(Weinig) zicht op financiële problemen in de fase van strafoplegging

Overwegingen en belemmeringen bij de oplegging van financiële maatregelen in het strafrecht

Trefwoorden financiële problemen, schulden, strafoplegging, financiële maatregelen
Auteurs Rosa Koenraadt en Miranda Boone

Rosa Koenraadt
Dr. Rosa Koenraadt is universitair docent Criminologie aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Miranda Boone
Prof. mr. dr. Miranda Boone is hoogleraar Criminologie aan de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      In Dutch criminal law, there are certain options to impose financial measures on convicted persons having financial problems. In these cases, the probation service supervises (the approach to) their financial problems. However, concrete financial measures are often not included in the judgment. In this article, we discuss how information about financial problems is collected and demonstrate several obstacles and considerations for advising and imposing financial measures. The results indicate that there is generally little consideration for financial problems in the sentencing phase, which makes it difficult to obtain sufficient information on financial problems before the imposition of a sentence. In order to adequately support the financial problems of (ex-)offenders, more attention and knowledge for financial problems in all levels of the criminal justice system, effective supervision and clear intervention programs are vital.

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