
Meerpersoonscelgebruik in Nederlandse penitentiaire inrichtingen

Bevindingen van de Life in Custody Study

Trefwoorden meerpersoonscellen, Life in Custody Study, leefklimaat, wangedrag, detentie
Auteurs Esther van Ginneken en Hanneke Palmen

Esther van Ginneken
Dr. Esther F.J.C. Ginneken is universitair docent Criminologie aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht en Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden en projectleider van de Life in Custody Study.

Hanneke Palmen
Dr. Hanneke Palmen is universitair hoofddocent Criminologie aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht en Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden en projectleider van de Life in Custody Study.
  • Samenvatting

      Since 2004, cell sharing in Dutch correctional institutions has increased to nearly 30%. In contrast to many other countries, the use of double cells is a policy measure to cut costs, rather than a measure to deal with overcrowding of correctional institutions. This article examines individuals’ experiences of sharing a cell, and the association between cell sharing, wellbeing, misconduct, and prison climate, using survey data from the Life in Custody Study collected in 2019. The sample comprises 3408 participants (in regular prison regimes, pre-trial detention, and short-stay custody). The results show that most respondents report a good relationship with their cellmate, but still prefer a single cell. There is no evidence for positive effects of cell sharing on the researched domains; some negative effects are found when individuals prefer a single cell or report a poor relationship with their cellmate.

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