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Aflevering 03, 2008
Redactioneel |
Introduction |
Auteurs | Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer, Robert Knegt en Oliver Lembcke |
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Questioning Legitimacy or Why Social Scientists Find Legitimacy Where None Exists |
Auteurs | Joris Kocken |
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The Dynamics of LegitimacyA Critical Reconstruction of Max Weber’s Concept |
Auteurs | Oliver Lembcke |
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Escaping the Iron CageFraming Weber’s Concept of Legitimacy |
Auteurs | Erik de Bakker |
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Legitimacy and Types of Legality |
Auteurs | Niels van van Manen |
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Legitimacy, Representations of Order and Accountability |
Auteurs | Robert Knegt |
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Tort, Social Aims and the Iron CageOn the Relevance of Weber’s Concepts for the Analysis of Tort |
Auteurs | Rob Schwitters |
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Capitalism, Predictability, Formal Rationality and the Peculiarities of English Law |
Auteurs | Harry Willekens |
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Turning the State into a HouseholdFrom Judicial Law to Administrative Law |
Auteurs | Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer |
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Legitimacy in the European Joint AdministrationA Weberian Perspective |
Auteurs | Enrico Peuker |
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