Recht der Werkelijkheid


Comparitierechters in eenzelfde zaak vergeleken: de individuele aanpak van rechters

Trefwoorden civil hearing, courts, dispute resolution, individual approach
Auteurs Silke Praagman

Silke Praagman
Silke Praagman heeft de VSR-scriptieprijs 2010 gewonnen. Zij studeerde rechtsgeleerdheid aan de Universiteit Utrecht en de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Tijdens haar studie werkte zij als junior medewerker bij het Landelijk bureau Mediation naast rechtspraak. In dit kader was zij betrokken bij onderzoek naar de verwijzingsvoorziening naar mediation en de werkwijze van rechters. Ook heeft zij tijdens het schrijven van haar scriptie als buitengriffier bij de Rechtbank Rotterdam binnen de sector civiel gewerkt.
  • Samenvatting

      In the Netherlands, the way in which judges behave and communicate during hearings is increasingly being emphasized. This is related to the implementation of post-defence appearance in Dutch civil hearings (comparitie na antwoord) and a more general, albeit cautious, shift from dispute resolution, focused solely on resolving the legal aspects of a case, towards broader conflict resolution, in which other aspects of a case are considered too. This article compares how six judges managed a civil hearing of the same case. It seeks to explain the different outcomes that resulted from these judges’ hearings (i.e. settlement/judgement/referral to mediator) and seeks to identify what different ways of managing hearings imply for a possible shift from dispute resolution to conflict resolution. The empirical study found that the judges’ preparation of the case and their way of beginning and structuring the hearing were very similar; they also discussed similar subjects. Differences were found in how the judges interacted with the parties; the skills they used during hearings; how they used a specific skill; and in how they guided parties in the decision-making process about the outcome. No strong correlation emerged between a specific type of hearing management and the type of outcome selected. Interviews with the judges suggest that the explanation for the different outcomes lies partly in the judges’ personal views (on the appropriate outcome). Such beliefs influence how the judges manage a civil hearing, and indirectly the outcome of a case as well. These findings imply that for a shift from dispute resolution to conflict resolution to materialize, this will require judges to develop a common understanding of their responsibilities and to enhance their skills. They will also need to verify their assumptions more, so that the parties’ needs and the judge’s personal beliefs are better matched.

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