Recht der Werkelijkheid


De case van het rookverbod in de horeca

Instrumentele en normatieve nalevingsmotieven van horecaondernemers

Trefwoorden compliance, motivational postures, smoking ban
Auteurs Willem Bantema

Willem Bantema
Willem Bantema is in 2010 afgestudeerd als socioloog. Vanaf 1 januari 2011 is hij werkzaam als promovendus bij de vakgroep Rechtstheorie, Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Daar onderzoekt hij motieven van horecaondernemers bij het (niet) naleven van het rookverbod. Willem Bantema is gespecialiseerd in kwantitatief onderzoek.
  • Samenvatting

      Research on (self-reported) compliance has focused on instrumental explanations like deterrence and other rational choice based calculations. In my text, the focus will be on my operationalization of the normative explanation: motivational postures (an idea developed by Valerie Braithwaite). Motivational postures are clusters of compliance motivations in which the degree of agreement with the rules and the degree of agreement with the regulator have been integrated. Theoretically, there are five different postures. Motivational postures are applied in research in Australia to the contexts of taxing, nursing homes, safety and environmental regulation, but have never been applied to the context of a smoking ban. The motivational postures have been tested in a pilot study. First results of this study revealed that four of the five postures were based on valid and reliable measures. Finally, these motivational postures have a high explanatory value in the analysis on self-reported compliance, even when controlled for instrumental explanations.

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