Recht der Werkelijkheid


The provision of legal aid in asylum procedures

A comparative case study in the Netherlands, the UK and France

Trefwoorden legal aid, asylum procedure, lawyer conduct
Auteurs Tamara Butter

Tamara Butter
Tamara Butter is PhD candidate at the Centre for Migration Law/Institute for Sociology of Law, Radboud University.
  • Samenvatting

      Several reports covering the provision of legal aid in asylum procedures in a selection of European countries expressed concerns on the effectiveness of the legal aid provided to asylum seekers. Among others, the cuts in legal aid funding and the speed of the asylum process were put forward as issues affecting the provision of adequate and effective legal aid. Lawyers providing legal aid in asylum procedure have to cope with the day-to-day realities arising from the national asylum procedure and legal aid system in which they operate. The aim of my research project is to explore and understand the impact of the institutional context, i.e. the functioning of the asylum procedure and the legal aid system on lawyers’ conduct. To this end I will conduct a comparative case study in three EU Member States which have arranged for the provision of legal aid in different ways, i.e. Netherlands, the United Kingdom1xHere it must be noted that the UK comprises of four constituent countries with different regimes. This research will be confined to the England region of the UK. and France.


    • 1 Here it must be noted that the UK comprises of four constituent countries with different regimes. This research will be confined to the England region of the UK.

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