Recht der Werkelijkheid


Rechtspleging in Recht der Werkelijkheid

Popper is niet blij, maar het is feest

Auteurs Leny de Groot-van Leeuwen

Leny de Groot-van Leeuwen
Leny de Groot-van Leeuwen is emeritus hoogleraar Rechtspleging en sinds 1995 verbonden aan de Radboud Universiteit te Nijmegen. Zij was eerder redactiesecretaris en redactielid van Recht der Werkelijkheid en tot medio 2020 voorzitter van de redactieraad.
  • Samenvatting

      The paper highlights the contributions on judges and courts published in Recht der Werkelijkheid from 1980-2020. It addresses three general themes, namely communication in court, the consumers of the law and the professionals of the law, in view of the objective of the journal.
      The authors of the contributions, newcomers as well as well-known experienced researchers, come from different kind of branches like anthropology, psychology, sociology and history, utilizing quite different approaches, methodologies and theories. They elaborate on each other’s work, methods, empirical findings and theoretical insights, in order to develop new research questions or to conduct research in different contexts. Although the critical-rational ideas of Popper has no many followers among the authors, lessons can be learned for policy makers, judges, lawyers and academics. By bringing the authors together, the journal has made an invaluable contribution to the debate among socio-legal researchers in the Netherlands.

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