Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid


Wijsheid, standvastigheid en recht

Stoïcisme als crisisverschijnsel en zijn verhouding tot het christendom

Trefwoorden Stoa, standvastigheid, moed, besluitvaardigheid, weerbaarheid, dwaasheid, deugd
Auteurs Dr. Timo Slootweg

Dr. Timo Slootweg
Dr. T.J.M. Slootweg is historicus en filosoof. Hij doceert Rechtsfilosofie en ethiek aan de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit Leiden. In 2016 publiceerde hij Uit de schaduw van de wet. Inleiding tot de esthetica van het recht (Antwerpen/Apeldoorn: Garant 2016).
  • Samenvatting

      Politics and law are not in essence about knowledge, good sense and learning, but about wisdom. Good legislation requires wisdom and the wise judge is also the ideal when it comes to good adjudication. But what is wisdom actually and who is the sage? To answer these questions, this article departs from the views of the Stoa (of Seneca especially) which has been of fundamental significance for the development of law and which still continues to influence it. It shows how the philosophical views of the Stoics included an objective view of law and cultivated a subjective impassibility and apathy that were associated with steadfastness or constancy. Stoic wisdom was (and still is): virtuous obedience to the objective laws of nature. In modern Stoics like Spinoza and Justus Lipsius we find these same elements. But in modern times Stoicism is wrapped in the veil of a Christian vision of life, which (as such) serves as a seductive legitimation of its principles. In this guise Stoicism has been of enormous significance in the history of Christianity. However, their historical relationship is based on a major misunderstanding. In fact, Stoicism is Christianity’s most extreme alternative, as Erasmus already pointed out. For the Stoic sage a theoretical and practical wisdom applies that is not (in any way) in accordance with the courageous foolishness of Christianity. It is through the prism of this foolishness that we come to appreciate that the eternal Stoic attitude is odious when it comes to law and politics. Stoicism is a recurring crisis phenomenon: a cultural sickness, for which the wisdom of Christianity still offers a very effective medicine.

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