Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid


God blijft in Nederland

Kerkgemeenschappen van rooms-katholieke migranten in Nederland

Trefwoorden migrantenparochie, rooms-katholieke migranten, Rooms-Katholieke Kerk, Poolse parochies
Auteurs Dr. Jorge E. Castillo Guerra

Dr. Jorge E. Castillo Guerra
Dr. J.E. Castillo Guerra is universitair docent aan de masterspecialisatie Religie en Beleid van de faculteit Filosofie, Theologie en Religiewetenschappen, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Hij promoveerde aan de RU Nijmegen op een proefschrift over Jon Sobrino’s ecclesiologie van de bevrijding in El Salvador (2001). Zijn onderzoek richt zich op migrantenchristenen in Nederland en op theologie van de migratie.
  • Samenvatting

      The first national research into church formation among Roman Catholic migrants in the Netherlands dates from the year 2006. Since then many changes took place within these communities. However, there is not a single institution that collects their addresses and data. Policymakers, scholars or journalists do not have access to recent information. Based on questions about their development and composition, this article updates information about these church communities and places them in a broader historical context. One of the most significant findings in this article concerns the stability of their regular parishioners, that contrasts with the national trend in Roman Catholic Church, which is constantly dealing with a declining amount of members.

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