As a Calvinist political party SGP stresses the importance and relevance of orthodox Christian religion for nowadays secularizing Dutch society. Awareness of the religious roots of Dutch society is necessary to understand the essence of fundamental freedoms and the relation between church and state. It is also crucial for the vital and balanced development of the rule of law and a guarantee against superhuman aspirations and expectations of government. Notwithstanding SGP’s primary focus on Biblical argumentation the party also leans strongly on history as a guide and argument for political debate, so that it can properly be called a Christian-historical party. |

Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid
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Auteurs | Sophie van Bijsterveld |
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Artikel |
Trefwoorden | godsdienst en geloof, religie en politiek, christelijk-historisch, geschiedenis, SGP |
Auteurs | Gijsbert Leertouwer |
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Artikel |
Rechterlijke toetsing van het kwalitatief en kwantitatief algemeen-belangcriterium bij religieuze anbi’s |
Trefwoorden | Anbi, Religie, Kerkgenootschap, Algemeen-belangcriterium |
Auteurs | Mitra Tydeman-Yousef |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The author examines how Dutch case law interprets the public interest criterion for public benefit institutions of religious nature, both regarding the qualitative and quantitative aspect of this criterion. The qualitative aspect refers to aiming for public benefit and the quantitative aspect refers to aiming sufficiently for public benefit, i.e. at least ninety percent. |
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‘Le problème religieux’ van Malraux, geïllustreerd aan de hand van Rushdie, Spinoza en Galileo |
Trefwoorden | artikel 18 UVRM, artikel 9 EVRM, artikel 18 IVBPR, vrijheid van gedachte, geweten en godsdienst, Galileo, Spinoza, Rushdie, religieus fanatisme, Terrorisme |
Auteurs | Paul Cliteur |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In this contribution three cases are discussed of thinkers who have come into conflict with the religious-fundamentalist ambition to control the freedom of thought and the freedom of expression of critical thinkers: Rushdie, Spinoza and Galileo. Salman Rushdie came into conflict with Islamic orthodoxy, Benedict Spinoza with Jewish orthodoxy and Galileo Galilei with Christian-Catholic orthodoxy. In addition to differences, interesting parallels can be drawn between these three situations. This article argues that it is good to study these parallels in order to learn something about how we should deal with religious fanaticism and upholding a culture of freedom, such as that in Article 18 (and 19 UDHR) as ideal. |
Artikel |
De concurrentie tussen de civiele en de kerkelijke rechtsgangEen zaak bij de Hoge Raad bezien vanuit Nederlands, Duits en kerkrechtelijk perspectief |
Trefwoorden | burgerlijk procesrecht, kerkelijk procesrecht, artikel 2:2 BW, scheiding tussen kerk en staat |
Auteurs | Quintijn Mauer |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Article 2:2 of the Dutch Civil Code ensures the implementation of canon law in the Dutch legal order, by virtue of which concurrence can occur between civil law proceedings and proceedings at Courts of the Roman Catholic Church. The decision of the Hoge Raad dated May 17, 2024, which is discussed in this article, opens the way to initiate civil proceedings in cases in which the Roman Catholic Church is concerned. This decision deviates from earlier case law and sits uneasily with the Dutch constitutional principle of separation between church and state. |