Various disciplines have a longstanding tradition of studying musical genres and the various functions of music, but few criminologists focus on music in their scientific work. This article discusses various relationships between music, crime and culture. We discuss the hypothesis of ‘criminogenic’ music genres, and countless examples of criminalisation of music. We point at the stilistic importance of music genres for subcultures and social movements, and we raise ethical aspects: music can also be used as an instrument of (symbolic) violence, as a punishment or even as torture. Finally, we discuss other functional uses of music: as a vehicle for human emotions, for therapeutic purposes, to influence the behavior of employees and consumers, to enhance feelings of public safety, and to prevent crime and nuisance. |

Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit
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Artikel |
Muziek, criminaliteit en cultuur |
Trefwoorden | Music, Crime, Culture, Criminology |
Auteurs | Tom Decorte en Dina Siegel |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
De straat praat? De performance van ‘street credibility’ |
Trefwoorden | Performance, street credibility, (gangsta) rap, identity |
Auteurs | Robby A. Roks |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This article deals with the performance of ‘street credibility’. A dramaturgical analysis of the lyrics and videos of 15 rap artist from The Hague sheds light on the various ways they try to achieve a credible street reputation as rappers. In their frontstage presentation they highlight their street knowledge, strike violent poses, and claim affiliation to certain infamous local gangs or neighborhoods. Backstage, however, these performances are being deconstructed by other actors who participate in the local street culture and who form a critical, metaphysical audience of the presentations of the rappers. |
Artikel |
Gangsters en jazz |
Trefwoorden | Jazz, Mafia, Night Clubs, Organized Crime |
Auteurs | Frank Bovenkerk |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The social history of jazz music in America since 1880 has been described as a movement out of the inauspicious background of night clubs and brothels in the urban underworld. In 1980 Ronald L. Morris has published a book, Wait until dark, fostering a contrary view (that should inspire criminology). Morris claimed that until 1940 the ‘mob’ had promoted jazz music as gangsters hired black musicians without concern for the law and the conventions of racial segregation. There is some evidence that even during the 1950s the jazz scene of New York City and Las Vegas had also been partly organized by the mafia. |
Artikel |
Lou Reed’s Walk on the Wild Side. Transgressie in seks, drugs en rock ’n roll |
Trefwoorden | Transgression, deviance, stigma, rock-music |
Auteurs | Thaddeus Müller |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In this article I will explore the concept of transgression within the realm of rock music using the biography of Lou Reed, known for such songs as ‘Walk on the Wild Side’ and ’I’m Waiting for the Man’. I discuss Lou Reed’s social transgressions as a reaction to and resistance toward institutions of social control such as family, media and the music industry, which stigmatized him as an outsider. This study, which is based on secondary material, such as biographies, interviews and songs, shows how Lou Reed transgressed social norms with respect to drugs, sex, and gender. |
Diversen |
Wie ik liefheb, moet ik doden. Misdaad in het muziektheater |
Trefwoorden | opera, murder, killer, motivation |
Auteurs | Lodewijk Brunt |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In this essay the nature of crime and death in opera is dealt with, focussing on a select number of operas, such as Verdi’s MacBeth, Wagner’s Die Walküre and Strauss’s Salome and Elektra. It appears that crime in opera is pervasive and appears in many different forms, as well as in a wide variety of contexts. An attempt is made to analyse the way composers manipulate the circumstances of killings – lenghtening or shortening or replacing scenes – in order to get maximum results in terms of emotional content. |
Artikel |
Trefwoorden | Becker, Outsiders, biography, methodology |
Auteurs | Thaddeus Müller |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In this article on the social production of the book Outsiders, I will situate its production in the daily practice of the social worlds in which Becker was involved. Therefore I focus on the relations, interactions and situations which were relevant for the form, content and success of Outsiders. For data, I use fragments from my email communication with Howard Becker, the collected interviews and other publications which show that Becker seeks to demystify Outsiders. My main contribution is that I use Becker’s own words to demystify the ethnographic practice of Outsiders and describe its mundane backstage reality, which is described by Fine as ‘the underside’ of ethnography (1993). |
Boekbespreking |
De symbolische parallellen tussen rap en crack |
Trefwoorden | Crack (cocaine), rap, war on drugs, Music industry |
Auteurs | Tom Decorte |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In 5 Grams: Crack Cocaine, Rap Music, and the War on Drugs Dimitri Bogazianos, an assistant professor at the departement Criminal Justice of California State University, discusses the cultural links between the American ‘war on drugs’ and the creative contributions of those directly affected by its destructive effects. At the centre of his analysis is the parallel between what the author calls ‘the crack game’ and ‘the rap game’. On the one hand Bogazianos examines the profound symbolic consequences of America’s reliance on the paradoxical punishment structure of crack; on the other hand the author focuses on the multiple ways crack appeared as a symbolical reference in the lyrics of rap artists. |
Diversen: Externe beoordelaars 2012 |
Diversen: Externe beoordelaars 2012-2013 |