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Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


Proosten met champagne, heel m’n libi is nu duur

Opzichtige consumptie in Nederlandse rap

Trefwoorden opzichtige consumptie, hiphop, rap, straatcultuur, uitsluiting
Auteurs Robbert Goverts MSc en Dr. Robert Roks

Robbert Goverts MSc
Robbert A. Goverts is als socioloog en criminoloog werkzaam bij de Department of Public Administration and Sociology aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Dr. Robert Roks
Dr. Robert A. Roks (RA) is als universitair docent verbonden aan de sectie Criminologie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This article examines expressions of conspicuous consumption on 19 recent releases by the most popular Dutch rap artists of 2018. In line with Veblen’s (1899/2017) notion of conspicuous consumption, our content analysis of these rap lyrics shows that Dutch rappers ‘spend’ their money on all kinds of ostentatious and eye-catching luxury goods such as designer clothing and jewelry (‘drip’), cars or holidays, but also that rappers ‘stack’ some of the money they earn by putting it aside. Our results indicate that these expressions of conspicuous consumption seem to be rooted in, and fueled by, experiences with poverty, stigmatization, and discrimination.

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