Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


Drugsgebruik, exces en criminaliteit

Een historisch perspectief

Trefwoorden history of drugs, tobacco, drug policy, civilizing process, opium
Auteurs Dr. Stephen Snelders

Dr. Stephen Snelders
Dr. S.A.M. (Stephen) Snelders is research fellow aan de Faculteit Bètawetenschappen en het Freudenthal Instituut/History and Philosophy of the Sciences van de Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      This article discusses the problem of excessive drug use from a historical perspective. Cultural ambivalence towards excessive use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs has roots going back into the seventeenth century. A case study is presented of the introduction and adaptation of tobacco in the Dutch republic. Dutch national and colonial drug regulation is discussed. It is concluded that regulations have been primarily motivated by anxieties about excessive behaviour among the labouring classes, endangering public order, and non-white users in the colonies. This has led to criminalization of excessive behaviour, and to the creation of a criminal underground economy.

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